The Royal Castle Tour
The very best of Kind Ludwig II and Alpine Upland.
Start @your Hotel
Start time: 8am at the latest
Duration: 10 to 11 hours
Price: on request

Individual Tour
This tour is a private one.
Details & Itinerary
König Ludwig II. baute drei beeindruckende Schlösser. Diese Tour deckt zwei davon ab: Neuschwanstein und Schloss Linderhof.
Spätestens um 08:00 Uhr müssen wir aufbrechen und durch das reizvolle Voralpenland fahren. Auf dem Weg nach Neuschwanstein machen wir einen kurzen Halt bei einer der schönsten Barockkirchen Bayerns.
Best Times for This Excursion
May to September only
Maximum number of participants
Up to 7 participants may participate in this tour.
How it works
A combination of walk and riding public trains as well as ferry boats.
Due to bad weather conditions (storm; heavy rain) the boats might not operate. If so, we’ll do one more stop with the train and walk. If necessary and possible we might change the day.
What to bring
Don’t be shy! Bring your swim gear in summer. There are several spots to get a refreshing bath in the lake. A combination of walk and riding public trains as well as ferry boats.
How to book
For a booking pls get in touch with us by mail with your time and date you want to do it. We’ll clarify everything within 24 hours.

Neuschwanstein is named the 8th wonder of the world and one of Germany’s most famous sights. A fantastical castle on a mountain perch in the Bavarian Alps. The castle from a fairy tale simply has to be seen to be believed – and the best way to do so is with our hassle-free day trip. We will take care of all arrangements and make sure you skip the long line to go inside.
Linderhof Castle is located in the romantic „Graswang Valley“. It’s the only that was finished and where he spent most time of his last 8 years. It’s rather small compared to Neuschwanstein but be impressed. A most charming Neo-Rococo Jewel in the Mountains.
This tour needs a vehicle and an early rise in the morning, but it’s worth every minute of the day. There will be some „specials“ for you on the way. Let us surprise you!