
in München und Umgebung

Panorama Munich | Munich Experience by Franz Schega

Gutes Essen und Trinken hält Leib und Seele zusammen

Groß oder klein, dick oder dünn, jung oder alt, wir alle haben eines gemeinsam – wir alle müssen essen! Deshalb haben wir uns entschlossen, das Familiengeheimnis zu teilen: Gutes Essen ist mehr als nur satt zu machen. Ein knuspriger Schweinsbraten mit Knödeln oder cremige Champignons mit Knödeln für Vegetarier – die bayerische Küche hat für jeden etwas zu bieten und lässt sich vor allem mit einem berühmten bayerischen Bier genießen!

Downtown Munich | Munich Experience by Franz Schega
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Alle Touren anschauen 

Neuschwanstein und Hohenschwangau

Neuschwanstein und Hohenschwangau

Everybody knows Neuschwanstein Castle, the one Walt Disney copied for his “Cinderella Castle”.
Do you know Hohenschwangau Castle? Here King Ludwig grew up. Here he got his idea for Neuschwanstein.
Get all the stories and historical facts about the “Fairy Tale King”, his dreams and phantasies and why he was removed from the Throne of Bavaria.

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Der Englische Garten in München

Der Englische Garten in München

Munich, located in the heart of Europe. Even though the Ocean is far away, you’ll see people carrying Surfboards through the city! How come? Well come join this Live streaming Tour and find out!

The famous Englischer Garden is Munich’s main leisure park for more than 200 years. Encompassing 2 ½ square miles, it is one of the biggest city parks in the world! Even bigger than Central Park in New York.

It was started in 1789 when Elector Karl Theodor commissioned a public park. He called this new park the Englischer Garden because it was designed to look like a quaint English countryside, created by an American, born in Massachusetts.

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München und sein Bier

München und sein Bier

Munich is one of the Beer capitals in the world. Find out why Munich’s beer got this reputation and steady quality. Why has beer been dark in the old times and why was it referred to as „liquid bread“?

Understand the need of the oldest food regulation law „purity law“ of 1516 and what started the tradition of world famous Oktoberfest. Of course we’ll sample a Beer at one or two of our favorite thirst-quenching (historical) sites in Munich. If you want to do it in the morning we will include the speical „white Sausage“ breakfast. Another specialty of Munich, invented in town in the 1850’s.

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Gutes Essen und Trinken hält Leib und Seele zusammen

Franz Schega | Munich Experience

Über mich

Big or small, fat or thin, young or old, we all have one thing in common – we all need to eat!. That’s why we decided to share the family secret: there’s more to good food than just making ourselves full. A crispy pork roast with dumplings or creamy mushrooms with dumplings for vegetarians – Bavarian cooking has something for everyone and above all can be enjoyed with a famous Bavarian beer!

Franz – „The Easy-Going“

Franz was born in 1967. Since 2005 he has worked as a tour guide and dedicates himself to customer care. As an official tour guide (registered with the IHK) customer satisfaction is his first priority. This is accompanied by years of experience, knowledge of literature and a great sense of humour.


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