Because of Covid-19 travelling is more than difficult right now. So why not taking a live-stream tour through the old historic part of Munich. With a palace, beautiful churches, great beer and more.
Join us on a stroll along the most important sights of Munich old town.
Virtuelle Touren
Covid-19 erschwert derzeit das Reisen. Warum also nicht eine Livestream-Tour durch München unternehmen? Sie können ohne Anwesenheit teilnehmen.
Wir beginnen unseren Spaziergang zu Ihrer bevorzugten Zeit. Die Teilnahme ist über Zoom oder MS-Teams möglich.
Individual Virtual Tour
We start our stroll at your preferred time. Participation ist possible via zoom or MS teams.
München – die Geburtsstätte er Nazi-Bewegung (Wo alles begann!)
Munich – The birth place of the Nazi Movement (Where everything began!) A live stroll through Munich following the traces of the Nazi MovementIndividual Virtual Tour We start our stroll at your preferred time. Participation ist possible via zoom or MS teams. Details...
KZ-Gedenkstätte Dachau
On March 22, 1933, a few weeks after Adolf Hitler had been appointed Reich Chancellor, a concentration camp for political prisoners was set up in Dachau. This camp served as a model for all later concentration camps and as a “school of violence” for the SS men under whose command it stood. In the twelve years of its existence over 200.000 persons from all over Europe were imprisoned here and in the numerous subsidary camps. 41.500 were murdered.
München heute!
This live streamed stroll leads you along some of the coolest places of Munich. What’s Munich like today and why is the town listed for years to be one of the most liveable cities in the wold. We’ll cross one of the most vivid squares and come by a place where Freddie Mercury spend a lot of time in the 1980’s. We will end at the Market. On the way we’ll see great shops and galleries. Lot’s of information granted on this live tour
Der Englische Garten in München
Munich, located in the heart of Europe. Even though the Ocean is far away, you’ll see people carrying Surfboards through the city! How come? Well come join this Live streaming Tour and find out!
The famous Englischer Garden is Munich’s main leisure park for more than 200 years. Encompassing 2 ½ square miles, it is one of the biggest city parks in the world! Even bigger than Central Park in New York.
It was started in 1789 when Elector Karl Theodor commissioned a public park. He called this new park the Englischer Garden because it was designed to look like a quaint English countryside, created by an American, born in Massachusetts.