in München und Umgebung

Gutes Essen und Trinken hält Leib und Seele zusammen
Groß oder klein, dick oder dünn, jung oder alt, wir alle haben eines gemeinsam – wir alle müssen essen! Deshalb haben wir uns entschlossen, das Familiengeheimnis zu teilen: Gutes Essen ist mehr als nur satt zu machen. Ein knuspriger Schweinsbraten mit Knödeln oder cremige Champignons mit Knödeln für Vegetarier – die bayerische Küche hat für jeden etwas zu bieten und lässt sich vor allem mit einem berühmten bayerischen Bier genießen!
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Alle Touren anschauen
Isar Tour deutsch
Munich Private City Walk – Classic Tour Explore the fabulous capital of BavariaClassic Tour This tour is a private one.Details & ItineraryA 2-3 hour pleasant stroll through Munich includes the beautiful historical Altstadt and a look back at the city’s rich 860+...
München – die Geburtsstätte er Nazi-Bewegung (Wo alles begann!)
Munich – The birth place of the Nazi Movement (Where everything began!) A live stroll through Munich following the traces of the Nazi MovementIndividual Virtual Tour We start our stroll at your preferred time. Participation ist possible via zoom or MS teams. Details...
KZ-Gedenkstätte Dachau
On March 22, 1933, a few weeks after Adolf Hitler had been appointed Reich Chancellor, a concentration camp for political prisoners was set up in Dachau. This camp served as a model for all later concentration camps and as a “school of violence” for the SS men under whose command it stood. In the twelve years of its existence over 200.000 persons from all over Europe were imprisoned here and in the numerous subsidary camps. 41.500 were murdered.
Gutes Essen und Trinken hält Leib und Seele zusammen
Über mich
Big or small, fat or thin, young or old, we all have one thing in common – we all need to eat!. That’s why we decided to share the family secret: there’s more to good food than just making ourselves full. A crispy pork roast with dumplings or creamy mushrooms with dumplings for vegetarians – Bavarian cooking has something for everyone and above all can be enjoyed with a famous Bavarian beer!
Franz – „The Easy-Going“
Franz was born in 1967. Since 2005 he has worked as a tour guide and dedicates himself to customer care. As an official tour guide (registered with the IHK) customer satisfaction is his first priority. This is accompanied by years of experience, knowledge of literature and a great sense of humour.